Suite20Seven Designs

Time Capsule

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bring the angst

March 2015 - june 2015

‘Bring the Angst’ was Suite20Seven’s inaugural design. The aim was to encapsulate our identity as a brand, drawing on inspiration from skate culture, we used the medium of photography to create the graphic for this design.


Shot by suite20seven london

July 2015 - November 2015

‘Shot by Suite20Seven’ was a bi weekly contest, that we run off our Facebook page. The contest consisted of us going around London and shooting with various local skateboarders and BMX'ers.

Over a 2 week period we would upload 3 different pictures and then get our social media fan base to vote on what their favorite 'shot' was. At the end of that 2 week cycle, we would award a ‘Shot by Suite20Seven’ T-shirt to the winning athlete and to a member of all our social media community.

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london junkie series

FEBRUARY 2016 - April 2016

The idea for the "London Junkie Series" came about during a folio shooting session with Spanish actor and model "Josh Barrientos". The idea of the shoot was to create a grungy, gritty character that symbolizes all that we at Suite20Seven stand for. A character that loves his imperfections and one that does not let anyone's judgment hamper his life or his art.

With this in mind, Josh created a character known as "Junkie Joshie". This photo shoot/ clothing design inspired a short film by the name.


The suburban cowboy

september 2017 - November 2017

The Suburban Cowboy Series was a 3 part art series that addressed the Australian Same Sex Marriage Postal Vote.

  • A visual artwork 'The Suburban Cowboy' was created and displayed in the MPNH Gallery in East Vancouver.

  • We then performed the verbal section of the Suburban Cowboy at the Beats on Broadway Event

  • A limited edition t-shirt series was created with all profits being donated to the AME charity.

The whole idea behind this series was to create social awareness around the issue of Marriage Equality in Australia.